Hi,we still have 4 open acknowledged blockers according to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?quicksearch= flag%3Ablocker%2B%20target_ milestone%3Aovirt-4.2.0% 20status%3Anew%2Cassigned% 2Cpost
Bug ID Product Assignee Status Summary 1518887 ovirt-hosted-engine-ha bugs@ovirt.org NEW ovirt-ha-agent fails parsing the OVF_STORE due to a change in OVF namespace URI
1516113 cockpit-ovirt phbailey@redhat.com POST Deploy the HostedEngine failed with the default CPU type
1518693 ovirt-engine akrejcir@redhat.com POST Quota is needed to copy template disk
1507277 ovirt-engine eraviv@redhat.com POST [RFE][DR] - Vnic Profiles mapping in VMs register from data storage domain should be supported also for templates
There are also 3 proposed blockers that need either to be acknowledged or rejected: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi? quicksearch=flag%3Ablocker%3F% 20target_milestone%3Aovirt-4. 2.0%20status%3Anew%2Cassigned% 2Cpost
Bug ID Product Assignee Summary 1450061 Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager rh-spice-bugs@redhat.com Copy-paste: filename encoding in Win guest
1517810 ovirt-engine stirabos@redhat.com Adding additional ha-host fails. 1502920 Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager rbarry@redhat.com File missing after upgrade of RHVH node from version RHVH-4.1-20170925.0 to latest.
Given current status I would reschedule oVirt 4.2.0 RC to next week, tentatively on Monday.
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