I am new to vdsm and trying to understand the architecture/internals much better


The ovirt documentation for architecture I have found so far seems to be relatively high level


My effort to understand the architecture by walking through the vdsm code using pdb/rpdb is slow and probably not all that efficient


Does anyone have pointers to documentation that might explain the vdsm modules, classes and internals a little more in depth?


I’d also like to understand where I might be able to add rpdb.set_trace() so I can step through functions being called in libvirt.py



Gregory King | Software Development Manager | +1.303.272.2427

Oracle Virtualization Sustaining Engineering

500 Eldorado Boulevard Build 5 | Broomfield Colorado 80021

Mobile: +1.303.968.8169 | Fax: +1.303.272.2427