On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 7:23 PM, Leon Goldberg <lgoldber@redhat.com> wrote:

We're gathering information regarding the ports we open as part of the firewalld migration research.

We have most of the current ports covered by either firewalld itself or by 3rd party packages, however some questions remain unanswered:


- serial consoles (tcp/2223): Is this required? can't find a single reference to a listening entity. Either way, I couldn't find a relevant service that provides it.


- Gluster swift (tcp/8080): Doesn't appear in Gluster's firewalld service. Should be added to Gluster's firewalld service?

This is required when gluster-swift service is running on the hosts. gluster-swift is no longer installed as part of glusterfs-server installation, so this can be removed.

- tcp/39543 and tcp/55863, appear under "status". Couldn't find a relevant service that provides them. Should be added? (and if so, where?)

The https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_gluster_storage/3.2/html/installation_guide/port_information mentions these as needed by oVirt. Could be legacy? These can be removed if oVirt no longer uses these ports

- nlockmgr (tcp/38468, udp/963, tcp/965): tcp/38468 appears in gluster's service. Couldn't find a relevant service that provides the other two. Should be added? (and if so, where?)

These are needed by NFS LockManager, and needed when gluster nfs access is enabled on gluster volume

- ctdbd (tcp/4379): Couldn't find a relevant service that provides this. Should be added? (and if so, where?)

These are needed to access gluster volume using SMB. CTDB service uses this port
