On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Nadav Goldin <ngoldin@redhat.com> wrote:
ovirt-srv11 host is in an empty cluster called 'Production_CentOS', its quite a strong machine with 251GB of ram, currently it has no VMs and as far as I can tell isn't used at all.
I want to move it to the 'Jenkins_CentOS' cluster in order to add more VMs and later upgrade the older clusters to el7(if we have enough slaves in the Jenkins_CentOS cluster, we could just take the VMs down in the Jenkins cluster and upgrade). this is unrelated to the new hosts ovirt-srv17-26.

There is no reason to keep such a strong server there when we can use it for many more slaves on Jenkins.
If we need that extra server in Production DC (for hosted engine redundancy and to allow maintenance) then lets take the lower end new servers from 17-26 and replace it with the strong one.
We need to utilize our servers, I don't think we're at 50% utilization even, looking at the memory consumption last time i checked when all slaves were working.

I'm not sure why it was put there, so posting here if anyone objects or I'm missing something



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