Tal: The 'Check merged to previous' hook is checking if the current patch was merged to previous stable branches and i think that it is not related to the one that you're searching.
Eyal: Currently there is no hook that checks if branch is enabled, but there is hook that checks if the patch major version branch is [equal / higher / lower] than the bug target milestone major version.
i'll explain by giving you few examples and their results:
Example 1:
tm: '---' (empty target milestone)
branch major version: any
result: WARN MSG
Example 2:
tm major version: 3.6
branch major version: 3.6
result: OK MSG
Example 3:
tm major version: 3.6
branch major version: 4.0
result: checks for clone flags
(if tm major version in flags - OK MSG else WARN MSG)
Example 4:
tm major version: 4.0
branch major version: 3.6
result: WARN MSG