---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
Da: "Pierre-Yves Chibon" <>
Data: 12/Apr/2017 12:52
Oggetto: Fedora CI effort/Interest Group
A: <>

Dear all,

A small team of people interested in working on a Continuous Integration has
started looking into what it would take to add Continous Integration (CI) to our
current packaging and releasing workflow.
The current idea is to use fedora-atomic as a prototype product to port into
this workflow while keeping in mind other use-cases so that we could eventually
use this approach for the entire distribution (as opt-in).

Since there might be more people interested than the people who expressed their
interest, I invite anyone interested to join the mailing list:
the IRC channel: #fedora-ci on

We're working to start this with as few changes to the current Fedora
infrastructure as possible. And with a very specific set of requirements.

Ultimately, I hope we can make this workflow work for not only fedora-atomic
(though it is the current target) and this should help improving the stability
of rawhide (and thus will also help the no-more-alpha change proposal [1]).

I have put together a wiki page making this a change proposal:

Thanks for your attention and welcome aboard,

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