Hi All,

As some of you may have noticed, we have been having failures for some of the tests in master in the past 24 hours with the following yum error: https://pastebin.com/vqJCLgrP

After some debugging we found that the issue is caused because the package which is failing had two different commits and no version set which caused two different packages with exactly the same name to be created.

To solve this issue we would need the package to be re-build with a new version set.

Here are the details on the package and how it failed.
As you can see below we had two different commits creating two different packages by the same name:

which was triggered by push: 00f5ffd4-a06e-11e8-8fc7-fa3846728ab0

which was triggered by push: 3dfc5996-a09b-11e8-856c-ec86908871c4
checking the packages that exist in the 4.2 and master tested repos I can see that we have the same exact name for two different packages:


    Header SHA1 digest: OK (0033d83c3d8b6b0506767de3a4e44ffd64b2605c)
    MD5 digest: OK (2b6e87e53a51175aeac61662561c0e20)


    Header SHA1 digest: OK (597577a11775a7fc21207f3e76fe4df8a5030912)
    MD5 digest: OK (74bafadf2afae5f7797a90c982ad2767)

This would cause yum to fail because we cannot have the same package name with different checksums.

If anyone needs help in setting up versioning please contact myself or anyone from the CI team and we would be happy to assist.
