First of all I'd like to clear things out with regards to the nagios status message:
DISK OK - free space: /srv/resources 183768 MB (15.98% inode=100%):
This shows free space and percentage, so 100% inode space is free and ~16% disk space is free.
Currently this is around the threshold of 15% so we're seeing warnings.
The free space situation has improved a lot since the tested retention patch was merged.
It, however, only cleans up RPMs which results in node ISOs filling up their respective directory:
# du -sh master/*
195G master/iso
135G master/rpm
Also, the node ISO directory has corrupted directory names which is a known bug(OVIRT-2355)
and in total there's more than a hundred ISOs stored inside:
# du -sh master/iso/*
56G master/iso/ovirt-node-ng-installer
1.5G master/iso/ovirt-node-ng-installer-j-fc
9.6G master/iso/ovirt-node-ng-installer-master-
65G master/iso/ovirt-node-ng-installer-master-e
62G master/iso/ovirt-node-ng-installer-master-fc
3.0G master/iso/oVirt-toolsSetup
We'll need to fix naming here and then create a retention script as well.
For now I've kept the last 5 builds in each of these directories and that cleared 200GB (17% more free space).
I believe this is the major factor contributing to disk usage at this point as each node ISO is 1.2GB in size.
We can add disk space but there's not much point if it's going to be used for stale ISOs in misnamed directories.