On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 9:30 AM, Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden <ewoud+ovirt@kohlvanwijngaarden.nl> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 12:17:34PM +0900, Marc Dequènes (Duck) wrote:

So I'm setting up admin users for infra-ansible and the associated
machines to give you root access. I need some help to understand how
this list is defined.

In Puppet I could find 23 users (not counting the devel and system
accounts). If I log onto backup I can only find 18 of them deployed. So
for example account 'dfediuck' is not created while I can't find any
difference with other properly created ones. It does not seem there are
Puppet groups defined either.

As I recall it there's a puppet class for every user. Then in Foreman these classes can be added to a host. Mostly they will have the ensure set to present, but absent can work too if you want to remove them.

On the contrary if I log into resources I can find extra users like
'rafaelmartins' and they are nowhere to be found into Puppet. So I guess
they were added manually. This makes removing users no more in the
project very difficult, so I think we should audit user accounts.

Auditing makes sense. Given my lack of involvement I think my accounts could be cleaned up as well.

+1 on cleanup of unused accounts, I can help with what we can remove.
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Eyal edri


RHV DevOps


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