On 27 April 2018 at 19:51, Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo@redhat.com> wrote:Hi,I tried to run ovirt-system-tests_manual job for testing some new centos builds and I've the feeling it doesn't work.I added custom repo: https://cbs.centos.org/repos/virt7-ovirt-common-testi which contains ansible 2.5.2 but I can't see it installed on the hosts and engine, I see only 2.5.1 installed.ng/x86_64/os/ repoman and hence OST does not support repos only direct package URLs, web directories that can be recursed into if you add the 'rec:' prefix or jenkins jobs if they are either on jenkins.ovirt.org or you add the 'jenkins:' prefix.
I added custom build: http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=22569 which contains openvswitch 2.9.0-4. Looks like it has been installed on the engine but not on the hosts. maybe network suite doesn't use it, but looks weird.If it was installed on the engine it means that its available in the localrepo, perhaps the hosts arn't using it? (that would be a bug in the suit).I added custom repos:for testing new qemu-kvm-ev 2.10 and CentOS 7.5 betabut looks like qemu-kvm-ev 2.9 is used instead.Am I doing it wrong or is the manual job broken?Again, yum repos are not supported by repoman.
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