The infra team has recently added a new feature for the manual OST jobs, published in recent oVirt blog [1], Which hopefully will help developers have more control over running OST on open patches.
The new feature allows anyone to choose which oVirt repo the job should use as 'base repo', the options are:

latest_tested: will install the latest rpms that passed the ci.  ( a.k.a experimental latest.tested )
latest_release: will install the last stable release. ( for e.g oVirt 4.0.6 for 4.0.z or 4.1 RC for 4.1 )

The changes are already available on the job in CI [2], 

Please don't hesitate to contact the infra team for any questions or issues with using the jobs,

The oVirt infra team.


Daniel Belenky
RHV DevOps
Red Hat Israel