OK I'll plan resinstall this week.


Le 19 févr. 2013 18:43, "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade@redhat.com> a écrit :
On 02/18/2013 10:34 PM, Kevin Maziere Aubry wrote:

> I'm still waiting to know which os (rhrel/centos) you want I install on
> this server.

I know, we've been very confusing!

Our plan currently is to have all the hosts at AlterWay run CentOS 6.x
(latest.) This would include any virtual machines that we setup.

When you can, please install CentOS 6.x on that host. When you are done,
I'll add everyone's sshkeys etc. - and maybe this time automate the
process a bit now that we've got so many project maintainers. :)

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org  .^\  http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC)  \v'  gpg: AD0E0C41