Hey Shane,
I'm glad you're on board!
I recommend you first to login to the
gerrit.ovirt.org instance as a user (either google or openid will do) so you'll be able to start sending patches, as almost all of our work is done via patches,
including jenkins jobs.
Are you familiar with the jenkins server [1] ? and the jenkins job builder project? [2]
Most of our jobs in jenkins are what we called "yamelized", which means thier source code is in git and deployed by JJB, which means its very easy to write and deploy new jobs,
without even needing to login to jenkins.
A cool task for you could be starting to move all the jobs in jenkins that are not yamelized yet, for e.g:
it takes some time to understand the way it structured, but once you get it its pretty simple.
Is that something you might be interested in taking on?
if not, we have some other goodies, such as writing puppet code or installing services.
let me know what you'd like to work on,