Hi Aung,
Thanks for showing interest in the oVirt infra team ( can be called DevOps also ) !
We have plenty of tickets you can help with, but you might need to learn a few of the basic tools we're using in order to help, like 'Jenkins jobs builder' [0] and 'standard ci'.
I encourage you to have a look at the list of open tickets (143 in the backlog to be exact) [1], most of them though require some understanding of our infra, so I do recommend you to start
reading of the docs and learn on the systems, even by asking on the infra list before getting started.
They are divided into different 'Epics' such as "CI", "Release Management", infrastructure,etc... [2].
If you see something you'd like to work on and you think you have the knowledge for it, let us know ( even on the ticket itself ) and we'll see how to continue from there.
Some documentation on the team infra can be found here [3].
Take some time to go over the tasks and let us know what looks interesting and doable,