Hello Yaniv.

Renaming projects in gerrit is not possible. Well it is possible through SQL hacks and some DB wrangling following a reindex and thus is far from a standard operation. There is also rename-project plugin that we do not have installed and tested.

Instead I can create a new project with the same permissions etc, what do you think?


On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Yaniv Bronheim <ybronhei@redhat.com> wrote:


short version: rename ovirt-container-engine project to ovirt-containers

long version: recently we decided to gather all ovirt container under ovirt-containers project instead of splitting it to engine and node. can you please rename the current ovirt-container-engine to ovirt-containers

Yaniv Bronhaim.

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Anton Marchukov
Senior Software Engineer - RHEV CI - Red Hat