I did some cleanups on the config files and now it only shows the relevant versions (which includes 3.6.5).## Branches to take into accountBRANCHES=('ovirt-engine-3.6' 'ovirt-engine-3.6.0' 'ovirt-engine-3.6.1' 'ovirt-engine-3.6.2')STABLE_BRANCHES="ovirt-engine-3.6 ovirt-engine-3.6.5"CHECK_TARGET_RELEASE=("ovirt-engine-3.6|^3\.[6543210].*")CHECK_TARGET_MILESTONE=('ovirt-engine-3.6|^.*3\.6.*')PRODUCT="oVirt"I also see on the patch the jobs run:So what is missing?BTW, David - can we use regex in the stable branch names? I think we can enable any 3.6.z branch.On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 3:45 PM, Tal Nisan <tnisan@redhat.com> wrote:_______________________________________________Quite sure we handled this issue but it seems that it's not treated as monitored still:(Taken from https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/55938)
- Check TM::SKIP, not in a monitored branch (ovirt-engine-3.6 ovirt-engine-3.6.0 ovirt-engine-3.6.1 ovirt-engine-3.6.2 ovirt-engine-3.5 ovirt-engine-3.4 ovirt-engine-3.3 engine_3.2 engine_3.1 ovirt-engine-3.5.2 ovirt-engine-3.4.0 ovirt-engine-3.3.4 ovirt-engine-3.3.3 ovirt-engine-3.3.2 ovirt-engine-3.3.1)
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