
i was looking for root cause of this bug:

"After creating a vepa network and adding it to a guest, the same is listed in Actions->Edit. If the guest is poweron, the interfaces is not listed".

When offline, libvirt says vepa interface is "type" (i run a GET on vm/ifaces, see below): "network". When up, this parameter change to "macvtap", what is breaking UI:

 456                 kimchi.getGuestInterfaces(kimchi.selectedGuest, function(data) {
 457                     for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
 458                         data[i].viewMode = "";
 459                         data[i].editMode = "hide";
 460                         data[i].id = i;
 461                         if (data[i].type == 'network')
 462                             addItem(data[i]);
 463                     }
 464                 });

So, the if at 461 fails and the interface is not added. Need to figure out why libvirt is changing it.

Here is a get at vms/ifaces:




Anyone know how to proceed? Can i open a bug against libvirt?

Ramon Nunes Medeiros
Kimchi Developer
Linux Technology Center Brazil
IBM Systems & Technology Group
Phone : +55 19 2132 7878