

I think the screenshot doesn’t show exactly how the widget behaves on the browser. Here’s a JS Fiddle that I’ve worked:




Basically it uses jQuery-UI sortable widget applied to a Wok/Bootstrap list that looks like with our Bootstrap Select when “multiple” attribute is enabled.


I’d change some things in this modal window. I think we can use a smaller window for this if the Boot Order option is called by the Guests drop-down menu in the guests list.

If the user can change the Boot Order when Editing a Guest, then I suggest we create a new tab on the edit window or add a new line in the General tab.





From: kimchi-devel-bounces@ovirt.org [mailto:kimchi-devel-bounces@ovirt.org] On Behalf Of Socorro Stoppler
Sent: quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2016 12:59
To: Kimchi Devel <kimchi-devel@ovirt.org>
Subject: [Kimchi-devel] [RFC] Issue# 979 Create UI to change boot order


Per discussion w/Samuel, here is what the proposed UI looks like.  A menu item - 'Change boot order' - in Actions for each guest will be added to invoke this.

Dragging the entries will cause the order to change.


