On 01/14/2014 03:33 PM, Shu Ming wrote:
I think it is nice to use a generic lxml library to generate XML documents.  About the existing XML documents generation like vmTemplate._get_cdrom_xml(),  networkxml.to_network_xml() &etc,  do you have plane to convert them to use lxml library?
not plane. will refactor these old code later.

I just use it in new my new patch.

You can refactor these old code with lxml.
2014/1/14 12:57, Sheldon:
As we all know there is a issue about generate and manipulate XML documents

IMO, lxml is a good choice.
you can see this patch:
$ git show 69edfe9
Mark use it to generate XML documents.

And for manipulate XML documents, here is a example.
$ ipython -c 'from lxml import objectify
root = objectify.fromstring("<root><a k=\"key\">24.12.2000<b>12.24.2000</b></a></root>")
print root.a
print root.a.b
print root.a.get("k")


more info:  http://lxml.de/

Thanks and best regards!

Sheldon Feng(冯少合)<shaohef@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
IBM Linux Technology Center

Thanks and best regards!

Sheldon Feng(冯少合)<shaohef@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
IBM Linux Technology Center