Hi, All

I reviewed current kimchi UI content and found generic UI components below that should be jquery plugins or widgets

These widgets fall into 2 categories:
1. basic form control component like Button/Menu and container widgets like Dialog/Accordion
2. functional widget like Chart/DataGrid

For the 1st category, jquery ui contains most of them, refer to link below
If any widget we need that does not exist in jquery-ui, we should create a jquery widget which is common enough for reuse.

For the 2nd category, as jquery ui does not contain any of them, we need to discuss to use jquery plugin from 3rd party.

jquery has a widget registry, we can search the needed plugin/widget there.    http://plugins.jquery.com/

for chart: http://plugins.jquery.com/?s=chart
for datagrid: http://plugins.jquery.com/?s=datagrid

As they are from 3rd party, not created by jquery team, we need to evaluate its features, quality, maintenance, license.

Team, this is definitely strategic which impact long-term development, please feel free to popup your idea.