if user supplied a name when create the report, make the label of the progress indicator to be 'XXXX is generating ...', or else just 'Generating...'.

On 5/20/2014 2:09 PM, Yu Xin Huo wrote:
when generating a report

    1. disable 'Generate' button to prevent user from generating 2 reports at the same time.
    2. if the generating report is selected, disable all other actions buttons 'rename', 'remove', 'download'.
    3. if user select other reports already generated, enable 'rename',  'remove', 'download' buttons.

On 5/19/2014 5:29 PM, wenwang wrote:
According to #296, Dialogue window blocked ui when generating debug report. I have one proposal that added a process bar showing that it's working without blocking ui:

I have two thoughts:

1. Dynamic dots during generating process indicate it's working.
2. Dynamic background(with the blue stripe moving forward) indicating it's working.

Your comments on this design are highly valued and very important to me.

Best regards

Wang Wen

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