On 14-11-2014 08:04, Yu Xin Huo wrote:
what is the response of

A list of that VM's snapshots.

How to get the creation time?

It's the field 'created' in the snapshot JSON structure. For example:

GET /vms/<vm-name>/snapshots/<snapshot-name>


That's the number of seconds elapsed since Jan 1, 1970 (i.e. the Unix Epoch).

1) how to get current snapshot.

GET /vms/<vm-name>/snapshots/current

2) for a vm that is always in use, the time it is reverted to a certain snapshot, the time update is already made to vm.
    The longer the vm is used, the longer the vm is far from that snapshot, what is the significance to track to the snapshot that is lastly reverted to?

When the VM has many snapshots, it's useful to know "where" it is currently.