On 02/28/2014 03:40 PM, Crístian Viana wrote:
To update (add/remove) the users and groups of a virtual machine, you
should use the REST command:

/vms/<vm_name> PUT "{ 'users': [ 'user1', 'user2' ],
                      'groups': [ 'group1', 'group2' ] }"

Users and groups associated with a virtual machine must be valid when they are
added to the VM. Such verification is not done when they are removed from the
system. This means that virtual machines may contain outdated information about
users and groups.

Signed-off-by: Crístian Viana <vianac@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
 docs/API.md               |  2 ++
 src/kimchi/control/vms.py |  2 +-
 src/kimchi/i18n.py        |  2 ++
 src/kimchi/model/vms.py   | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 tests/test_model.py       | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/API.md b/docs/API.md
index 8520abf..a6c2b65 100644
--- a/docs/API.md
+++ b/docs/API.md
@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ the following general conventions:
 * **DELETE**: Remove the Virtual Machine
 * **PUT**: update the parameters of existed VM
     * name: New name for this VM (only applied for shutoff VM)
+    * users: New list of system users.
+    * groups: New list of system groups.
 * **POST**: *See Virtual Machine Actions*
 **Actions (POST):**
diff --git a/src/kimchi/control/vms.py b/src/kimchi/control/vms.py
index c2a96c0..b0cf2e0 100644
--- a/src/kimchi/control/vms.py
+++ b/src/kimchi/control/vms.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class VMs(Collection):
 class VM(Resource):
     def __init__(self, model, ident):
         super(VM, self).__init__(model, ident)
-        self.update_params = ["name"]
+        self.update_params = ["name", "users", "groups"]
         self.screenshot = VMScreenShot(model, ident)
         self.uri_fmt = '/vms/%s'
         for ident, node in sub_nodes.items():
diff --git a/src/kimchi/i18n.py b/src/kimchi/i18n.py
index f6bce8c..94a02f5 100644
--- a/src/kimchi/i18n.py
+++ b/src/kimchi/i18n.py
@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ messages = {
     "KCHVM0023E": _("User name must be a string"),
     "KCHVM0024E": _("Group names list must be an array"),
     "KCHVM0025E": _("Group name must be a string"),
+    "KCHVM0026E": _("User %(user)s does not exist"),
+    "KCHVM0027E": _("Group %(group)s does not exist"),
     "KCHVMIF0001E": _("Interface %(iface)s does not exist in virtual machine %(name)s"),
     "KCHVMIF0002E": _("Network %(network)s specified for virtual machine %(name)s does not exist"),
diff --git a/src/kimchi/model/vms.py b/src/kimchi/model/vms.py
index bedf660..4f4f572 100644
--- a/src/kimchi/model/vms.py
+++ b/src/kimchi/model/vms.py
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ from lxml import etree
 from kimchi import vnc
 from kimchi import xmlutils
+from kimchi.auth import Group, User
 from kimchi.exception import InvalidOperation, InvalidParameter
 from kimchi.exception import MissingParameter, NotFoundError, OperationFailed
 from kimchi.model.config import CapabilitiesModel
@@ -260,10 +261,24 @@ class VMModel(object):
         old_xml = new_xml = dom.XMLDesc(0)
+        users = _get_vm_metadata(old_xml, "users")
+        groups = _get_vm_metadata(old_xml, "groups")
         for key, val in params.items():
-            if key in VM_STATIC_UPDATE_PARAMS:
-                xpath = VM_STATIC_UPDATE_PARAMS[key]
-                new_xml = xmlutils.xml_item_update(new_xml, xpath, val)
+            if key == 'users':
+                for user in val:
+                    if not User(user).exists():
+                        raise OperationFailed("KCHVM0026E", {'user': user})
+                users = val
+            elif key == 'groups':
+                for group in val:
+                    if not Group(group).exists():
+                        raise OperationFailed("KCHVM0027E", {'group': group})
+                groups = val
+            else:
+                if key in VM_STATIC_UPDATE_PARAMS:
+                    xpath = VM_STATIC_UPDATE_PARAMS[key]
+                    new_xml = xmlutils.xml_item_update(new_xml, xpath, val)
             if 'name' in params:
@@ -274,6 +289,14 @@ class VMModel(object):
             conn = self.conn.get()
             dom = conn.defineXML(new_xml)
+            metadata_xml = """
+                <access>
+                    <users>%s</users>
+                    <groups>%s</groups>
+                </access>
+            """ % (str(users), str(groups))
+            dom.setMetadata(libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_ELEMENT, metadata_xml,
+                            KIMCHI_NS_TAG, KIMCHI_NS_URI)

I also noticed some libvirt version requires the "flags" parameter

libvirt.virDomain.setMetadata = setMetadata(self, type, metadata, key, uri, flags)

In other ones, it already has a default value:

libvirt.virDomain.setMetadata = setMetadata(self, type, metadata, key, uri, flags=0)

         except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
             dom = conn.defineXML(old_xml)
             raise OperationFailed("KCHVM0008E", {'name': dom.name(),
diff --git a/tests/test_model.py b/tests/test_model.py
index 6d2927a..af52eed 100644
--- a/tests/test_model.py
+++ b/tests/test_model.py
@@ -18,9 +18,11 @@
 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+import grp
 import os
 import platform
 import psutil
+import pwd
 import shutil
 import tempfile
 import threading
@@ -577,6 +579,44 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
             rollback.prependDefer(self._rollback_wrapper, inst.vm_delete,
+            # change only VM users - groups are not changed (default is empty)
+            users = ['root']
+            inst.vm_update(u'пeω-∨м', {'users': users})
+            self.assertEquals(users, inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['users'])
+            self.assertEquals([], inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['groups'])
+            # change only VM groups - users are not changed (default is empty)
+            groups = ['wheel']
+            inst.vm_update(u'пeω-∨м', {'groups': groups})
+            self.assertEquals(users, inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['users'])
+            self.assertEquals(groups, inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['groups'])
+            # change VM users and groups by adding a new element to each one
+            users.append(pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name)
+            groups.append(grp.getgrgid(os.getgid()).gr_name)
+            inst.vm_update(u'пeω-∨м', {'users': users, 'groups': groups})
+            self.assertEquals(users, inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['users'])
+            self.assertEquals(groups, inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['groups'])
+            # change VM users (wrong value) and groups
+            # when an error occurs, everything fails and nothing is changed
+            self.assertRaises(OperationFailed, inst.vm_update, u'пeω-∨м',
+                              {'users': ['userdoesnotexist'], 'groups': []})
+            self.assertEquals(users, inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['users'])
+            self.assertEquals(groups, inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['groups'])
+            # change VM users and groups (wrong value)
+            # when an error occurs, everything fails and nothing is changed
+            self.assertRaises(OperationFailed, inst.vm_update, u'пeω-∨м',
+                              {'users': [], 'groups': ['groupdoesnotexist']})
+            self.assertEquals(users, inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['users'])
+            self.assertEquals(groups, inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['groups'])
+            # change VM users and groups by removing all elements
+            inst.vm_update(u'пeω-∨м', {'users': [], 'groups': []})
+            self.assertEquals([], inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['users'])
+            self.assertEquals([], inst.vm_lookup(u'пeω-∨м')['groups'])
     @unittest.skipUnless(utils.running_as_root(), 'Must be run as root')
     def test_network(self):
         inst = model.Model('qemu:///system', self.tmp_store)