Team, please take time to review the new UI design. No bad suggestion, Just feel free to have your comments.

I got comments below:

1. If I understand correctly, the base body content text size is 17px, typically, this is 12px, I think 17px is too large.

2. The tabs have different colors, it adds unnecessary visual and implementation complexity, one color is enough and I prefer blue.

3. I do not think and have never seen that 'logout' need a special red color to emphasize.
    Why use that icon to indicate logout.

4. Before login, user can do nothing, remove those tabs and Peers... on login screen.
    When user select a language, the page will be refreshed with selected language.
    So language selection will need to be prior to input user/password, so language selection should be positioned before user id/password.

5. The UI background is white, the button background is black which contrast the most, looks quite heavy.
    then it will draw most attention, other content are weakened too much, please change it to be some gray color or just white with a border.

6. Move message area up. 'table/gallery switch', 'sorting', 'filtering' are more related to content.
    message area in the middle make them separated.

7. Move 'Add' button in dialog to the right will save some vertical space and make content more focused.

8. From my experience before, for popup dialog form, the 'ok', 'cancel' buttons are right aligned.
    Only inline form, buttons will be left aligned, as those forms in kimchi are popup dialog, buttons should be right aligned.

9. Some font size are expressed in 'pt' like below, whether it is by mistake? 16pt = 21px(

10. Some icons are not indicating well-understood metaphors I think.