What command are you using to trigger it?
My code adds virtio-scsi - but no one is using it (yet, I am in my tests and it works well).
It also adds UNMAP support to all disk - which should be silently ignored (as no one is using yet virtio-scsi).
Apart from that, not sure what could cause it.

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 12:09 PM, Nadav Goldin <ngoldin@redhat.com> wrote:
Hitting the same error on 'master' - this time on fc24 host & fc24
chroot. Reverting back to '531bd75'(before iSCSI PR) seems to resolve
the issue.
Strangely enough, re-triggering the CI on current master branch works.[1]
As a side note, I was mistaken - check_patch do run on VMs(it is OST
that run on BMs)

[1] http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/lago_master_check-patch-fc24-x86_64/102/

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Nadav Goldin <ngoldin@redhat.com> wrote:
> iirc, we are runing all lago jobs on fc24 bare metal slaves, since
> there was an issue with running fc24 chroots on el7 hosts, not sure if
> it was resolved. It might explain why Jenkins jobs are running ok.
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 8:56 PM, Gal Ben Haim <gbenhaim@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> When running check-patch on my laptop and mini-dell (rhel 7.1 and mock fc-24 on both),
>> the tests fails on ssh timeout.
>> I'm running the tests on the latest commit on master (hash 27856ea).
>> I tried to run the tests on hash: 531bd75 (0.24 stable release) and it
>> went well.
>> It's strange because I don't see those failures on jenkins.
>> test log: http://pastebin.test.redhat.com/410685
>> Does anyone else experiencing this problem ?
>> Gal Ben Haim
>> gbenhaim@redhat.com
>> RHEV DevOps
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