We have an on going thread titled 'lago-ovirt-system-tests ansible PR'.
Can we move the discussion to it? once we'll get a decision on how we manage various Ansible use cases we'll know where to open the repo you're requesting.


On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 11:11 AM, Roy Golan <> wrote:
Hi lake swimmers,

In this pr[1] I am adding an ansible playbook (which will grow to a role) to install lago and system-tests. Brought up by maintainers and duck-rh, its more appropriate to create an ansible focused repo which will also play nicely with galaxy and will contain potentially multi roles for all sorts of automation and orchestration we can come up with for lago and lago related.

Please create `ansible-role-lago` and I'll move the below pr to it.


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Eyal Edri
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Red Hat Israel

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