Hi Mike,
Most of what I’ve done so far is find best practices (at least in regards to Red Hat’s implementation) for KVM and RHEV + NetApp storage. This includes backup, DR, and site failover. Going forward, there are plans to do much deeper integration in order to allow KVM & RHEV (and oVirt!!!) to take advantage of things like copy offload and cloning from the backend, as well as provisioning. I’m working with the good folks over in Tel Aviv for this.
Additionally, I’m working on the host side of cloning – that is, what is the best way to prep a RHEL host (or hypervisor or VM..) prior to cloning. There are many artifacts (WWIDs, LUN IDs, SSH host keys, bits in initrd/initramfs etc) that you don’t want copied between clones. So I’m working on a ‘sysprep’ like tool & workflow to address this. I’m 99% done with the RHEL 6.x version, but I’m still testing on RHEL 5.6+. I’ll be sure to release it to this group for feedback. From there, I’ll see about adding in support for SuSe.
Hope this answers your question,
PS. - it looks like you’re in NC as well. I’m in RTP, on Kit Creek.. If you’re nearby, lets grab lunch sometime.
On 9/9/11 12:05 PM, "Michael D Day" <mdday@us.ibm.com> wrote:
project-planning-bounces@ovirt.org wrote on 09/09/2011 11:28:52 AM:
> I’ve had a few passes at the Workshop Invite, with some good
> feedback from Carl. I’d like to share the latest version with all
> of you in hopes that you will provide additional feedback. Here is
> the current draft:
> Would you like to support an Open Source project that affects all
> aspects of the KVM hypervisor?
> Are you interested in helping to develop or influence the next
> generation of Open Source management tools for virtualization?
> Do you have the desire to grow the ecosystem around KVM in order to
> help drive its adoption?
> Do you have skills around organizing or writing that you would like
> to lend to an Open Source project?
> Are interested in an Open virtualization management platform?
Do you develop a product or technology that can manage or extend KVM?
Looks good!
Mike Day
IBM Distinguished Engineer
Chief Virtualization Architect, Open Systems Development
Cell: +1 919 371-8786 | mdday@us.ibm.com
Jon Benedict
Technical Marketing Engineer
Virtualization & Cloud
919.476.5093 Direct
919.757.7789 Mobile