Hi folks,

I thought it would be a good idea to start cobbling together some open task items, and framing an agenda for meetings.

I've put together a *very* light schedule below, along with a potential agenda. 
At this point, I think we need to start identifying the major milestones between now and the first release, and finding owners for the tasks that need to be done to hit those milestones on time.  Once we have a better idea on the tasks, we'll have a clearer schedule.

As previously suggested, I have put what is listed below on Google Docs. Please feel free to add in your suggestions / additions, particularly in the Open Tasks or Add Your Own Agenda Item areas - the more brains we have looking at this, the better :)

(URL REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)

Incidentally, I'll be in Vancouver next week, Wednesday through Friday, for Linuxcon - if anyone would like to get together in a group and hack this into more of a schedule with firmer dates, let me know. :)



o KVM Summit - August 15-16
o Website Launch - September
o oVirt Workshop - October+
o Community Infrastructure - People - October - December
o Community Infrastructure - Technology - Now - October/November
o First release - January/February.

Need to determine the major/minor milestones for each of the tasks listed above. Once we have an idea of what needs to be done, and when it needs to be done by, we can start building a more thorough schedule.


Meeting Agenda / Points of Discussion:

1) KVM Summit - August 15-16 2) Website Launch 3) oVirt Workshop / Summit - October+ 4) Community Infrastructure - People:  Now - Dec. 5) Community Infrastructure - Technology: Now - Oct/Nov. 6) First Community Release - January/February 2012 7) Other open tasks/topics 8) Outreach Opportunities 9) Your Agenda Item Here