On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 4:17 PM Derek Atkins <derek@ihtfp.com> wrote:

FTR: I don't think I need to check that the datacenter status is up; I
added that in not really understanding the changes between 4.1 and 4.3.
The issue is that the storage domain status isn't initialized to 'down'
when the engine first comes up so my script was testing that and seeing
all domains up when they really weren't.

Actually  at least one time last week I had a situation where after a crash of a single host environment with 4.3.9 and gluster on host itself, all 3 gluster storage domains resulted active but actually only the engine rhev mount point was up and not the other 3 configured
Something like this:

While for the other 3 storage domains I only had the gluster brick active but not the filesystem mounted.
In web admin gui all the storage domains was marked as active.... and as soon as I powered on the first VM the operation went into error of course and only at that time the 3 storage domains were marked as down...
From the web admin gui I was able to then activate them and start VMs.
I had no time to investigate more and so opening a bug for that...
The problem is that in my opinion the datacenter was marked as up too, so your check would not be of great meaning.
In my opinion you could crosscheck also storage domains number with expected mount points of type /rhev/data-center/mnt/...
