Just to confirm my NFS server is running Debian Squeeze

my /etc/exports reads

/storage1       *(rw,async,no_subtree_check)

and in 

/etc/default/nfs-kernel-server I have

RPCMOUNTDOPTS="--manage-gids --no-nfs-version 4"

Btw if I (from the NFS server) chmod 777 -R  the directory (i.e  /storage1/2f7ee7bc-09b3-42ba-af91-40d79293e360/images/676f4f95-9124-4571-8bf9-b597eb5d0931/ )it then works...

It does seem that ovirt creates the directory with wrong perms?

This is obviuosly some sort of bug (or it could be NFS setup related)

Has anyone any ideas ? chmod 777 is not exactly a good 'solution'

A new version of the ovirt node is out *(2.3) but there have been no changes in this area (so it won't be fixed in the newer version)
