Hi Jakub,
The original attempt to mount took too long and I had to refresh the oVirt window and terminate the operation.
The second attempt, this time with the correct path, fails with an error.
I'm suspecting the first operation locked me from been able to mount again.
Using the command you provided below works just fine.
Any suggestion?


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:36 PM, Jakub Libosvar <libosvar@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Elad,

seems like the mount command itself failed on timeout. Can you please try this command and let's see what will happen:
mkdir -p /mnt/my_storage_test && mount -t nfs -o soft,nosharecache,timeo=600,retrans=6 /mnt/my_storage_test
it should fail as well.

Please check that nfs service is running on and is not blocked by iptables or other firewalls and that path is exported properly in /etc/exports. You can also check whether selinux denied the mount operation by `grep AVC /var/log/audit/audit.log | tail` after mount command fails.


On 05/30/2012 05:16 PM, Elad Tabak wrote:
I'm trying to add a storage domain with NFS, but it fails.
Looking at the logs, I see the errors but nothing that can help me understand the root cause for the failure.
Engine and vdsm logs attached.


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