My experience:
You can use it for the Hosted Engine VM and the Hosts. Be patient, don't interrupt the yum update process, and follow the instructions.
If you have a locale different than US-UTF8, please change it for US-UTF8 before the upgrade process. Where? /etc/locale.conf on CentOS. If you are using e.g. puppet, please deactivate it on upgrade process, to avoid the locale change(if you have something on puppet that changes it).
I still having problems with glusterfs(Peer Rejected) and unstable, but it probably happens because I copied the UUID from the broke server from glusterfs and added the new installed server with same ip back to gluster.
Please check that you have the engine backup done. Save it somewhere, NFS, rsync-it to another server....
When running engine-setup after the yum update on ovirt-engine VM: don't to the in place upgrade from postgresql. It's really nice to have it, but you you can avoid risks, why do so?
Keep the Backup from Postgresql.
Previous Version: 4.1.x
Updated to: 4.2
CentOS 7.4.108
4 Servers, 3 with Gluster for engine.
If you have questions....
Best Regards,