On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 6:31 AM, TranceWorldLogic . <tranceworldlogic@gmail.com> wrote:Thanks Ondra that link is useful,Do you have any Idea why VDSM disable balloon concept for RHEV and use for all non-RHEV ?Please refer to below link.
"Currently the balloon memory device is being created by default by libvirt for non RHEV environments, and VDSM disables it by default for RHEV."Is there different technique use by RHEV ? Please provide me link for it detail.It will help me to compare ovirt and RHEV.Thanks,~RohitIn effect it is strange.Inside official docs for RHEV 4.0 we have:Administration Guide" Optimization Settings ExplainedMemory BalloonSelecting the Enable Memory BalloonOptimization check box enables memoryovercommitment on virtual machines runningon the hosts in this cluster. When this optionis set, the Memory Overcommit Manager(MoM) will start ballooning where and whenpossible, with a limitation of the guaranteedmemory size of every virtual machine....It is important to understand that in somescenarios ballooning may collide with KSM. Insuch cases MoM will try to adjust the balloonsize to minimize collisions. Additionally, insome scenarios ballooning may cause sub-optimal performance for a virtual machine.Administrators are advised to use ballooningoptimization with caution."So it seems it is indeed possible to enable ballooning (note the considerations about KSM that could partially answer to your question...)But then in Virtual Machine Management Guide hereI see"3.3.1. Red Hat Virtualization Guest Agents and Driversvirtio-balloonVirtio-balloon is used tocontrol the amount ofmemory a guest actuallyaccesses. It offers improvedmemory over-commitment.The balloon drivers areinstalled for futurecompatibility but not used bydefault in Red HatVirtualization."So it seems it is not possible to enable it for guests....Any clarification?Thanks,Gianluca