Hi Sandro,
I thought I had read somewhere on the list a few weeks ago that Gluster was having problems with 4.5 and that it wasn't going to be supported. Did I misundersand?

I recall a few months ago that the announcement was made to deprecate Gluster anyway, but I don't think the original plan was to remove support for it until later, but that due to some package dependencies, it needed to go away in 4.5.

I was hoping to get all of my storage migrated onto Synology hardware later this year prior to upgraded to 4.5, but if Gluster is still supported and will work, perhaps I should go ahead and upgrade.

I'm open to feedback.
Posting to the list, as I'm sure others are in the same scenario as me.

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------- Original Message -------
On Wednesday, April 20th, 2022 at 11:07 AM, Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo@redhat.com> wrote:

as usual, when a new oVirt release gets out, the previous one reaches the end of life.
As of April 20th 2022 with oVirt 4.5.0 GA, oVirt 4.4 reached End Of Life, last release being async release shipped live on March 03, 2022.
Please upgrade to 4.5 as soon as practical in order to get further security and bug fixes updates.


Sandro Bonazzola


Red Hat EMEA


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