The 300 is a rule-of-thumb number we benchmarked back in the day, and is probably quite outdated. In fact, in oVirt 4.1.2, we intend to increase it to 1000 [1].

If you don't want to wait till then, and you aren't suffering any performance hits when creating/removing disks/snapshots on this domain, you can increase it yourself by using the engine-config tool:

[~/ovirt-engine-home/] ./bin/engine-config -s AlertOnNumberOfLVs=1000


On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 11:35 PM, Rogério Ceni Coelho <> wrote:
Hi oVirt Admins,

I have two data domains using FC SAN, with 150  VMs. Each VM have 3 or 4 disks.

A few time ago i saw the above message on Events. What can i do ? What are the alternatives ? What can i do ?

The number of LVs on the domain VPLEX_DATA_DOMAIN exceeded 300, you are approaching the limit where performance may degrade.  

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