The host node12 does not appear under any network in the networks list because, as you said, node12 has not been connected yet to any network.
The error you are getting is because the network ‘DMZ_node11' is required on all hosts in the cluster to which you are trying to add node12.
You can either make network ‘DMZ_node11' not required temporarily or connect it to node12.

To make a network non-required go to Compute -> Clusters -> your cluster -> Logical Networks -> Manage Networks and uncheck the required check-box.

To connect a network to a host (e.g. node12) , go to Compute -> Hosts ->  node12 -> Network Interfaces -> Setup Host Networks
and attach the required network to the desired interface.


On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 1:20 PM, Andrei Verovski <> wrote:

I have simple cluster with node11 having 2nd network for DMZ zone (for internet servers). This network attached to node11 2nd ethernet adapter called ‘DMZ_node11’.

Now I’m trying to add 2nd host to the cluster (node12).
Attempt to activate newly added node12 results in this error.
Host node12 does not comply with the cluster ClusterRiga11 networks, the following networks are missing on host: ‘DMZ_node11'

However, I found no way to add new host to the oVirt network ‘DMZ_node11’.
Network -> Networks -> DMZ_Node11 -> Setup Host Network lists only Ethernet interfaces on node11, not on new node12.

Cluster is running, screwing something up is not an option.

How I can fix this problem ?

Thanks in advance.

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Eitan Raviv
IRC: erav (#ovirt #vdsm #devel #rhev-dev)