When attempting use the engine-iso-uploader to drop ISOs in my iso storage domain I get the following results. 

Using engine-iso-uploader --iso-domain=[domain] upload [iso] does not work because the engine does not have access to our storage network. So it attempts to mount to an address that is not routable. I thought to resolve this by adding an interfaces to the Hosted Engine, only to find that I cannot modify the Engine's VM config from the GUI. I receive the error: Cannot add Interface. This VM is not managed by the engine. Actually, I get that error whenever I attempt to modify anything about the engine. Maybe this is expected behavior? I can't find any bestpractices regarding Hosted Engine administration. 

Alternatively, using engine-iso-uploader --nfs-server=[path] upload [iso] --verbose returns the following error: 

ERROR: local variable 'domain_type' referenced before assignment
INFO: Use the -h option to see usage.
DEBUG: Configuration:
DEBUG: command: upload
DEBUG: Traceback (most recent call last):
DEBUG:   File "/usr/bin/engine-iso-uploader", line 1440, in <module>
DEBUG:     isoup = ISOUploader(conf)
DEBUG:   File "/usr/bin/engine-iso-uploader", line 455, in __init__
DEBUG:     self.upload_to_storage_domain()
DEBUG:   File "/usr/bin/engine-iso-uploader", line 1089, in upload_to_storage_domain
DEBUG:     elif domain_type in ('localfs', ):
DEBUG: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'domain_type' referenced before assignment

Engine is Self Hosted and is Version
