 I am try update the cluster level but i had this menssage erro:

Erro durante a execução da ação: Update of cluster compatibility version failed because there are VMs/Templates [VPS-NAME01, VPS-NAME02, VPS-NAME03] with incorrect configuration. To fix the issue, please go to each of them, edit and press OK. If the save does not pass, fix the dialog validation.

23/03/2018 15:03:07
Cannot update compatibility version of Vm/Template: [VPS-NAME01], Message: [No Message]
23/03/2018 15:03:07
Cannot update compatibility version of Vm/Template: [VPS-NAME02], Message: [No Message]
23/03/2018 15:03:07
Cannot update compatibility version of Vm/Template: [VPS-NAME03], Message: [No Message]

I am already open the edit box vm and close with ok button how show in the erro menssagem:
To fix the issue, please go to each of them, edit and press OK. If the save does not pass, fix the dialog validation.

But not return error when save.

Anyone can help me ?