Hi Juan,

Okay sure..
The following xml i used

                <boot dev='cdrom'/>               
    <custom_script> #cloud-config

url: http://x.x.com/api/xx/api_receive.php



On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Juan Hernandez <jhernand@redhat.com> wrote:
On 09/11/2014 06:54 AM, Shanil S wrote:
> Hi Juan,
> It seems the it doesn't contains the "phone_home " section in the  cat
> /mnt/openstack/latest/user_data
> the following is the output
> #cloud-config
> ssh_pwauth: true
> disable_root: 0
> output:
>   all: '>> /var/log/cloud-init-output.log'
> user: root
> password: admin123
> chpasswd:
>   expire: false
> runcmd:
> - 'sed -i ''/^datasource_list: /d'' /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg; echo
> ''datasource_list:
>   ["NoCloud", "ConfigDrive"]'' >> /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg'
> but if i try with the
> <files>
>           <file>
>             <name>ignored</name>
>             <content><![CDATA[runcmd:
>  - echo 'Test script !' > /iwashere_test.txt
> ]]></content>
>             <type>plaintext</type>
>           </file>
>         </files>
> then it will create the /iwashere_test.txt and write the contents and in
> that time the cat /mnt/openstack/latest/user_data is
> cat /mnt/openstack/latest/user_data
> #cloud-config
> ssh_pwauth: true
> disable_root: 0
> output:
>   all: '>> /var/log/cloud-init-output.log'
> user: root
> password: admin123
> chpasswd:
>   expire: false
> runcmd:
> - 'sed -i ''/^datasource_list: /d'' /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg; echo
> ''datasource_list:
>   ["NoCloud", "ConfigDrive"]'' >> /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg'
> runcmd:
>  - echo 'Test script !' > /iwashere_test.txt
> so, i think the custom script section is not working, i am attaching the
> vm log as a screenshot.

Can you share the XML document that you sent to the RESTAPI in order to
populate the "phone_home" section?

> On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Juan Hernandez <jhernand@redhat.com
> <mailto:jhernand@redhat.com>> wrote:
>     On 09/10/2014 06:44 AM, Shanil S wrote:
>     > Hi Juan,
>     >
>     > What i am planning to do is to make work the following script
>     >
>     > #cloud-config
>     >
>     > # phone_home: if this dictionary is present, then the phone_home
>     > # cloud-config module will post specified data back to the given
>     > # url
>     > # default: none
>     > # phone_home:
>     > #  url: http://my.foo.bar/$INSTANCE/
>     > #  post: all
>     > #  tries: 10
>     > #
>     > phone_home:
>     >  url: http://my.example.com/$INSTANCE_ID/
>     >  post: [ pub_key_dsa, pub_key_rsa, pub_key_ecdsa, instance_id ]
>     >
>     > (http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/examples.html#run-commands-on-first-boot)
>     >
>     > but it wasn't working when i tried, i hope to post the above values to
>     > the specific url and get the posted details.
>     >
>     I think it should work, but it depends completely on cloud-init itself.
>     I'd suggest you check the content of the generated cloud-init
>     configuration file (as described in a previous mail). If it contains the
>     "phone_home" section then you can discard a problem with oVirt, and
>     focus on clud-init.
>     >
>     > On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Shanil S <xielesshanil@gmail.com <mailto:xielesshanil@gmail.com>
>     > <mailto:xielesshanil@gmail.com <mailto:xielesshanil@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>     >
>     >     Hi Juan,
>     >
>     >     Okay.. Thanks.. its working.
>     >
>     >     I would like to execute other page something like test_script.php by
>     >     posting some values to it using the cloud init, Is it possible to do
>     >     it ?
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >     --
>     >     Regards
>     >     Shanil
>     >
>     >     On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 10:08 PM, Juan Hernandez <jhernand@redhat.com <mailto:jhernand@redhat.com>
>     >     <mailto:jhernand@redhat.com <mailto:jhernand@redhat.com>>> wrote:
>     >
>     >         On 09/05/2014 12:55 PM, Shanil S wrote:
>     >         > Hi Juan,
>     >         >
>     >         > Thanks for your reply.
>     >         >
>     >         > I tried with the above but i was unable to find the
>     'iwashere.txt' after
>     >         > executing the above xml.
>     >         >
>     >
>     >         I repeated the test, this time with 3.4, and it worked
>     fine for
>     >         me. As
>     >         the formatting of the XML is very important I'd suggest
>     that you
>     >         take
>     >         the attached script (instead of copy & paste from the mail),
>     >         change the
>     >         password and VM id and run it.
>     >
>     >         There are two kind of things that can go wrong here. One
>     is that the
>     >         engine/VDSM combination may not be generating the right
>     file. To
>     >         verify
>     >         this start the VM with the attached script, and once it is
>     >         started go to
>     >         the hypervisor where it is running and find the corresponding
>     >         qemu process:
>     >
>     >           # ps -ef | grep -- '-name myvm'
>     >
>     >         This will give you a very long command line. That command line
>     >         should
>     >         include a "-drive" option containing the full path of the
>     disk image
>     >         generated by the engine/VDSM, something like this:
>     >
>     >           -drive
>     >
>      file=/var/run/vdsm/payload/b5f087d4-022d-4d5f-8a1e-268c562c7bb1.b6fcddff571bb8c2028c61b623d172a6.img
>     >
>     >         To inspect its content make a copy (just in case) and
>     mount it:
>     >
>     >           # cp -drive
>     >
>      file=/var/run/vdsm/payload/b5f087d4-022d-4d5f-8a1e-268c562c7bb1.b6fcddff571bb8c2028c61b623d172a6.img
>     >         /root/my.img
>     >           # mount -o loop,ro /root/my.img /mnt
>     >
>     >         Inspect the content:
>     >
>     >           # find /mnt
>     >           /mnt/openstack
>     >           /mnt/openstack/content
>     >           /mnt/openstack/content/0000
>     >           /mnt/openstack/latest
>     >           /mnt/openstack/latest/meta_data.json
>     >           /mnt/openstack/latest/user_data
>     >
>     >         The content of the custom-script should be at the end of the
>     >         "user_data"
>     >         file, so take a look at that:
>     >
>     >           # cat /mnt/openstack/latest/user_data
>     >           #cloud-config
>     >           ssh_pwauth: true
>     >           disable_root: 0
>     >           output:
>     >             all: '>> /var/log/cloud-init-output.log'
>     >           user: root
>     >           password: mypassword
>     >           chpasswd:
>     >             expire: false
>     >           runcmd:
>     >           - 'sed -i ''/^datasource_list: /d''
>     /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg; echo
>     >         ''datasource_list:
>     >             ["NoCloud", "ConfigDrive"]'' >> /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg'
>     >           runcmd:
>     >            - echo "I was here!" > /iwashere.txt
>     >
>     >         If your custom script isn't there then there is some
>     problem in the
>     >         engine/VDSM side, otherwise the problem is probably in
>     cloud-init
>     >         itself, and we will need someone with more knowledge of
>     >         cloud-init to
>     >         debug it.
>     >
>     >         Don't forget to umount the file when finished:
>     >
>     >           # umount /mnt
>     >
>     >         >
>     >         > On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Juan Hernandez
>     <jhernand@redhat.com <mailto:jhernand@redhat.com>
>     <mailto:jhernand@redhat.com <mailto:jhernand@redhat.com>>
>     >         > <mailto:jhernand@redhat.com <mailto:jhernand@redhat.com>
>     <mailto:jhernand@redhat.com <mailto:jhernand@redhat.com>>>> wrote:
>     >         >
>     >         >     On 09/05/2014 10:46 AM, Sven Kieske wrote:
>     >         >     >
>     >         >     >
>     >         >     > Am 05.09.2014 10:27, schrieb Juan Hernandez:
>     >         >     >> Trying to make an example for this I discovered that
>     >         the "custom_script"
>     >         >     >> element is currently ignored if the "cloud_init"
>     >         element is present.
>     >         >     >> Instead we are taking the content of the first "file"
>     >         element from the
>     >         >     >> "cloud_init" element and appending it to the
>     cloud-init
>     >         configuration
>     >         >     >> file. I believe that this is a bug, as it breaks
>     >         backwards compatibility:
>     >         >     >>
>     >         >     >>   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1138564
>     >         >     >
>     >         >     > Thanks for the report, I just proposed this as a
>     blocker
>     >         for the 3.4.4
>     >         >     > release as it is a clear regression.
>     >         >     > Also I rely on this functionality in my 3.3. setup
>     and I
>     >         want to upgrade
>     >         >     > to 3.4 so I can't upgrade until this is fixed and
>     released.
>     >         >
>     >         >     Agree, I set the bug as a blocker for 3.4.4.
>     >         >
>     >         >     >>
>     >         >     >> However, you can exploit this bug to do what you
>     want.
>     >         This is an example:
>     >         >     >
>     >         >     > Well I guess this is a pretty bad idea, because it
>     will
>     >         just work
>     >         >     > until the bug is fixed?
>     >         >     >
>     >         >
>     >         >     No, what I proposed in the example is to put the custom
>     >         script in both
>     >         >     the first "file" inside "clud_init" and in the
>     >         "custom_script" element.
>     >         >     That should work with the current status and also
>     if/when
>     >         we fix the
>     >         >     bug.
>     >         >
>     >

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