Dear oVIrt,


Short platform summary:


Host related: ovirt-staging-hv-04


Host is moved to Maintenance.

Selected Upgrade, following log lines are written:

2019-04-23 10:58:32,639Z INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.hostdeploy.UpgradeHostCommand] (default task-247) [11381573-01c0-4e48-8634-c577988a8f79] Running command: UpgradeHostCommand internal: false. Entities affected :  ID: 9462386e-74d1-4000-96b0-0e081ec7d069 Type: VDSAction group EDIT_HOST_CONFIGURATION with role type ADMIN

2019-04-23 10:58:32,648Z INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (default task-247) [11381573-01c0-4e48-8634-c577988a8f79] EVENT_ID: HOST_UPGRADE_STARTED(840), Host ovirt-staging-hv-04 upgrade was started (User:



However, the host is still in Maintenance mode, expected is Installing:



Tail YUM logs also shows the procedure did not start  and packages are not being updated.


Kindly awaiting you reply.


Marko Vrgotic