Just change your host file on said machine.  If you are on windows, for example edit

and simply add:
IP_ADdress ovirt.domain.com
Now ovirt.domain.com will resolve to the IP address.

Not sure about #2.  I hope I understood correctly.

On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Mark Bettles <alo0taoranges@gmail.com> wrote:

I am moving away from PVE, as it does not allow the use of virt-manager from my Linux desktop to control it.

So after some searching around, I came across oVirt and I installed CentOS.

Now I have two problems.

1, I cannot port forward a hostname or an FQDN. So my ability to remotely control it has gone. I wish to be able to access the webui by IP alone. How do I do this?

2. I cannot login. I get unable to verify login on the machine itself (I installed the Mate desktop for testing purposes) otherwise I get an FQDN warning from any other machine. In the logs I get this, [org.ovirt.engine.core.sso.servlets.InteractiveAuthServlet] (default task-23) [] Cannot authenticate user 'root@internal': Unable to log in. Verify your login information or contact the system administrator.

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