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For the iSCSI, just can use 'targetcli' for setting up iscsi-target (yum whatprovides "*/targetcli") and allow it in the firewall (firewall-cmd --add-service=iscsi; firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent) .

On the client install multipath (device-mapper-multipath) and iscsiadm (yum whatprovides "*/iscsiadm") , then check the man to configure multipath (if you use a separate test VM) and the examples of the man page for iscsiadm for discovering and login to the iSCSI target.

Don't use that client for production purposes as iscsid needs some tuning for using with multipath (timeouts) /oVirt should have everything needed/.

In the end, 'lsscsi' should show your iscsi block device on the client and you can play with it.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 8:53, Glen Jarvis via Users
<> wrote:

> I would like to know why "vdsm-tool config-lvm-filter" makes
> you pull your hair out.
> It was designed to help people configure their system
> correctly without pulling their hair out trying to
> understand how lvm filter works, and avoid the many
> wrong ways it can be used.

Honestly, it is just from a lack of understanding of what is happening when it does break (as it is for us when doing a hypervisor install on a fresh box). Normally, I can just dig through the stack and figure out what is happening. There are enough areas where I don't have some foundations that I'm not able to do so here (yet).

For example, I don't quite understand iSCSI, Multipath, etc enough to know what is breaking, and why.

I'm accustomed to being able to dig deeper at each level until I can generally see what is breaking.

This confusion will go away as I get a bit more experience and have a "map" of what is going on on this level.

FWIW, I started reading the Libvirt book previously mentioned and it's pretty straight forward. It looks like I just need to get through this enough to get a good foothold so that I can figure out how to either fix things when they break or point out properly why something is breaking (so I can get the appropriate help).

> Do you have some specific areas you would like to improve?

Actually, yes :)  In:
1. Learn libvirt more (in progress)
2. Review source for vdsm-tool to have a better sense what is going on
3. Setup an iSCSI system so  that I can make luns, build a system, play with storage pools this way

Thanks for asking this. It's an interesting question.

Kindest Regards,

Glen Jarvis
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