The ‘nics’ section of ovirt_vm is vague and with nearly no examples.


My playbook is based upon


I’ve made several modifications, (more default) and added a few lines, which I believe is supposed to assign vnic profiles to the primary vnic (nic1), based upon the definition of ‘vm_nic1_profile’ defined in an included ‘ini’ file. (the profile defaulting to blank if it is not defined in the ini file.)


It isn’t doing its job.



-   name: “nic1”

profile_name: "{{ hostvars[item]['vm_nic1_profile'] | default('') }}”



The playbook runs without complaint.  If I run it with option ‘-vvv’ part of the output lists the variables, but the ‘nics’ variable is an empty list (nics[])


Any hints on what I’m doing wrong?   I’ve checked the forum, but it tends to strip leading spaces, which is bad for indent sensitive code.