The test disks are not attached to any virtual machine. nothing done on the hosts.
I just saw that the all test LUNs are still logged into target side so I
went to the host(it was in the maintenance ) all disks are still there.
I just managing everything over the web gui:
Select host as SPM, then disks->new->directLUN->discovertargets->login->ok
on the host the disks are visible.
iscsiadm -m session -o show
tcp: [6],1
c1701.x8664:sn.5b791971cd78 (non-flash)
Putting host to maintenance:
the disks are still there:
[0:0:0:0] disk ATA ST3500630NS K /dev/sda
[11:0:0:0] disk LIO-ORG c1701iser 4.0 /dev/sdb
[11:0:0:1] disk LIO-ORG c1701iser32k 4.0 /dev/sdc
activating deactivating the host does not change situation.
I dont see any attempt of vdsm to logout the disks. I can see in the vdsmd.logs that "[storage.Mount] unmounting /rhev/data-center/mnt/......" unmounting the nfs part but nothing from [storage.ISCSI]