On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 4:22 PM, Lev Veyde <lveyde@redhat.com> wrote:The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the availability of the oVirt 4.. , as of th, 201This update is the in a series of stabilization updates to the 4.series.This release is available now for:* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 or later* CentOS Linux (or similar) 7.4 or laterThis release supports Hypervisor Hosts running:* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 or later* CentOS Linux (or similar) 7.4 or later* oVirt Node 4.Hello,could you confirm that for plain CentOS 7.4 hosts there was no changes between rc3 and final 4.2.1?
I just updated an environment that was in RC3 and while the engine has been updated, the host says no updates:[root@ov42 ~]# yum updateLoaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-reposLoading mirror speeds from cached hostfile* base: artfiles.org* extras: ba.mirror.garr.it* ovirt-4.2: ftp.nluug.nl* ovirt-4.2-epel: epel.besthosting.ua* updates: ba.mirror.garr.itNo packages marked for update
[root@ov42 ~]#The mirrors seem the same that the engine has used some minutes before, so they should be ok...engine packages passed from ovirt-engine- to ovirt-engine- centos.noarch Base oVirt related packages on host are currently of this type, since 4.2.1rc3:libvirt-daemon-3.2.0-14.el7_4.7.x86_64 ovirt-host-4.2.1-1.el7.centos.x86_64 ovirt-vmconsole-1.0.4-1.el7.noarch qemu-kvm-ev-2.9.0-16.el7_4.13.1.x86_64 sanlock-3.5.0-1.el7.x86_64vdsm-4.20.17-1.el7.centos.x86_64 virt-v2v-1.36.3-6.el7_4.3.x86_64
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