
I was just wondering if anyone would be able to help me figure out if there is a way to login to an ISCSI target (EqualLogic) and add its associated volume as a Direct LUN via the REST api.

I have figured out how to add an existing Direct LUN to a vm.

I have created a volume on the SAN and then I am attempting to upload some xml to the API:

curl -v -u 'admin@internal:mypass' -H "Content-type: application/xml" -d @disk.xml https://ovirt-test/disks/ --insecure

cat disk.xml


At the moment the API is returning with a HTTP 400: 

    <reason>Incomplete parameters</reason>
    <detail>Disk [provisionedSize|size] required for add</detail>

Is it possible to achieve my goal via the API ?


Gary Lloyd
IT Services
Keele University