On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 8:34 AM, <ovirt@fateknollogee.com> wrote:
On 2018-05-20 23:23, ovirt@fateknollogee.com wrote:
I read somewhere that RHEL 7.5 makes "offsite data replication" easy to do.

Is this feature available in oVirt?


More than 7.5 itself, I think it is a feature of RHV 4.2.
You can read the official doc for Disaster Recovery of RHV 4.2 and verify how and if you can apply its considerations to oVirt:

In particular, in case of Active-Passive DR, my install/upgrade of oVirt 4.2.3 automatically pulled in on engine VM the package ovirt-ansible-disaster-recovery that contains a README, some examples, Ansible roles and playbooks.
Not tried yet all the workflow, but I'm planning to investigate better / test it in the near future.
