On Fri, Oct 15, 2021 at 11:38 AM David White via Users <users@ovirt.org> wrote:
Thank you very much.
I was able to (re)set the `engine` user's password in Postgres.
Unfortunately, I'm still having trouble unlocking the disks.

The following command produces no output underneath "Locked disks" when I run this command on the hosted engine VM:

[root@ovirt-engine1 dwhite]# PGPASSWORD=snip /usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils/unlock_entity.sh -t disk -q
Locked disks

However, in the oVirt UI, when I try to put the host into maintenance mode I continue to get the message that there are (3) locked disks (screenshot below).
Screenshot from 2021-10-15 04-29-15.png

Do  you have active image transfers?

You can check by getting

If there are no image transfers, check the relevant disks status:


If the disks status is "locked", it may be engine bug, not cleaning up after
failed image transfer.

If there is no task in engine using this disk, you can change the disk status using:

# sudo -u postgres psql -d engine

Finding the locked images:

# select image_group_id,imagestatus from images where imagestatus=2;

Unlocking an image:

# update images set imagestatus=1 where image_group_id='xxx-yyy';
