
I try to install Ovirt 4.0.1-1 on a fresh installed CentOS 7.2 using a replica 3 glusterfs. But I have trouble deploying the hosted engine.

hosted-engine --deploy 

/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_hosted_engine_ha/lib/storage_backends.py:15: DeprecationWarning: vdscli uses xmlrpc. since ovirt 3.6 xmlrpc is deprecated, please use vdsm.jsonrpcvdscli
  import vdsm.vdscli

[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment customization': 'OVEHOSTED_NETWORK/host_name'

VDSM also did not create the ovirtmgmt bridge or the routing tables.

I used the CentOS 7 minimal, and selected Infrastructure Server. I added the Puppet 4 repo and the Ovirt 4.0 Repo, no EPEL. 
I can reproduce it on 3 similar installed servers.

Any Ideas?