I found the following LOG entrie


2015-11-20 16:42:10,888 DEBUG [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVmCommand] (default task-160) [2f0eb905] Checking whether user 'acc9ced5-a764-4d60-84d7-db4b4a498a18' or one of the groups he is member of, have the following permissions:  ID: a303bbca-af20-4de5-9eff-01c52d3bf615 Type: VdsGroupsAction group CREATE_VM with role type USER,  ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Type: VmTemplateAction group CREATE_VM with role type USER,  ID: a303bbca-af20-4de5-9eff-01c52d3bf615 Type: VdsGroupsAction group EDIT_ADMIN_VM_PROPERTIES with role type ADMIN
2015-11-20 16:42:10,890 DEBUG [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVmCommand] (default task-160) [2f0eb905] Found permission '129c57bb-df56-4529-93d9-52db0265263f' for user when running 'AddVm', on 'Cluster' with id 'a303bbca-af20-4de5-9eff-01c52d3bf615'
2015-11-20 16:42:10,893 DEBUG [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVmCommand] (default task-160) [2f0eb905] Found permission '00000004-0004-0004-0004-000000000355' for user when running 'AddVm', on 'Template' with id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
2015-11-20 16:42:10,894 DEBUG [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVmCommand] (default task-160) [2f0eb905] No permission found for user when running action 'AddVm', on object 'Cluster' for action group 'EDIT_ADMIN_VM_PROPERTIES' with id 'a303bbca-af20-4de5-9eff-01c52d3bf615'.
2015-11-20 16:42:10,894 WARN  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVmCommand] (default task-160) [2f0eb905] CanDoAction of action 'AddVm' failed for user vincent.engel@hitmeister.de@hitmeister.de. Reasons: VAR__ACTION__ADD,VAR__TYPE__VM,USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_PERFORM_ACTION

On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 3:29 PM, Maksim Naumov <maksim.naumov@hitmeister.de> wrote:

User in the User portal un able to create virtual machine. Everytime I see en error "User is not authorized to perform this action."
I tried different roles: VmCreator + DiskCreator, PowerUserRole, UserVmManager .... even a new role with all the permissions - no way!

Can you give a 100% working example how should I setup role for user to be abte to create a VM?

Thank you

Maksim Naumov
Hitmeister GmbH 

Habsburgerring 2
50674 Köln

HRB 59046, Amtsgericht Köln
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Gerald Schönbucher

Maksim Naumov
Hitmeister GmbH 

Habsburgerring 2
50674 Köln

HRB 59046, Amtsgericht Köln
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Gerald Schönbucher